
unit for special emergency programmes معنى

  • وحدة البرامج الخاصة لعمليات الطوارئ
  • unit    n. وحدة, مجموعة مت ...
  • for    conj. لأجل, عوضا ع ...
  • special    adj. متميز, خاص, خ ...
  • emergency    n. طارئ, حالة طوار ...
  • emergency programmes    برامج الطوارئ

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. unit for ldcs and international organizations معنى
  2. unit for peaceful settlement process in the middle east معنى
  3. unit for peacekeeping matters and special assignements معنى
  4. unit for private sector funding sources معنى
  5. unit for special economic assistance programmes معنى
  6. unit for special political questions and regional cooperation معنى
  7. unit for the application of the peace agreements معنى
  8. unit for the coordination of humanitarian assistance معنى
  9. unit for the coordination of humanitarian assistance to angola معنى
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